Friday, February 27, 2009

it's that kind of day.....

Today is a Yellow kinda day.......

Has your day ever been that kinda day? Mine has and today my day is just yellow......

Simple, busy and thankful it is Friday---a yellow kinda of day......

I missed Monday somewhere this week and I have been trying all week to find it and that has made for a long week.....One might think missing Monday would have shortened it up but instead it has last for what seems like forever...By the time I find Monday it will be a new Monday and I'll be even further behind.

Today is a yellow kinda a day.....a day that is happening all around me and I am out watching. I have someones bug and I really appreciate it if they would stop by and pick it up... I never offered to care for their bug, have their bug , or pass their bug along. I am still the one holding this bug today and I feel crummy.

Today is a yellow kinda day.....I am so happy the sun is shining... Yesterday we spouted a thunder snow storm with rain, snow, hail, thunder and lightening.... By the time it was finished the snow was thick and heavy and frozen...Today the sun is melting the snow away and into spring.

Today is a yellow kinda day....As I was chipping snow off the front stoop the snow shovel handle snapped back and here I am embarrassed again. The shovel hit me hard right in the head lucky for me I reacted and it snapped the side of my head and missed my eye. I hit so hard that I can't even touch it and it is ugly swollen. I hurt my ear!! Knocked me silly. Snow storm injuries, thank goodness I didn't need medical attention. That would have been hard to explain. I can read it now "Knocked silly by her handle."

Today is a yellow kinda day..... a day to be grateful for real butter to make my cookies, to be grateful for the nice guy that cleaned my driveway for me!!! Chocolate Chip and Snicker doodles will be my Thank you... So often in this world we forget to help out, if more people in this world would just help one another out what a better place we would live in..

Today is a yellow kinda day.....the good of my day is I have fun goodies that I am waiting for to add to my stash of beautifully creative lovelies. So the wonderfully bright yellow of my day is midnight when it all becomes available. I am hopefully able to stay awake and not miss out on the delicious wonderful box of treasures......

May my next yellow day be bright and exciting................. -L.