Friday, January 16, 2009

the Snow family....

Just outside my window lives the Snow family.........

We created our Snow family with great joy and happiness. They were BIG- beautiful, white and round and full. They were so large that we could hardly lift the sections on top of one another. The snow was big fluffy and sticky...

Then the warm air came, the rain came, and the wind blew....

This poor family has been through so much weather this season, and now they are working hard to stand strong and hold their ground.

They stand there day in and day out...rock solid...and I am certain that they are watching me in every window. As I move around my house and glance out, there they are--freezing--I couldn't take it I finally had to go out in the night last night and I gave each of the Snow family a scarf. I then took a minute to apologize for the crummy weather.

I can say the at least no one has knocked them down like in years past and they are still white, no yellow decorations at the bottom.

I wouldn't blame them if they quietly moved away to a warmer climate, and you know that's bad if even the Snow family moves to warmer weather.

I am certain they are watching me with that chill in their eyes, and looking for moment the human isn't looking and BAM I'm going to get it....

Think spring or at least just a little warmer weather 10 degrees would be nice, at least we could get out and not have to wear all these bundles.

We could all learn at little from the Snow's--even if life throws you a snowball, and then freezes all your ideas. It can't stop your heart from moving forward. Stay standing and you too, will out last all the wicked winds and icy moments of life, eventually life will warm and things will be back on track...

be warm -L.