Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dreaming Layouts...

No kidding.....I have to ask do you dream layouts and embellishments?

I do and in the whee hours of the morning I have to write them down. Or a great title will come and alot of times, I have to get up and create. Usually it is 4:27 am, that's when some of my favorite things have come to me.

Well, I am sharing here's my 4 am design, I want to thank StudioCalico for the great Jan, kit that has inspired me to get moving on one of my 2007 vacations...

The wind is blowing and I can't shop so I will create, the studio is a mess and that's just how I love it. Today is a day that I hope no one stops by, cause everything else is left to the wayside and a once nice, neat and untouched studio is alive.

Create Create inspired and be good.........

Thanks for stopping by
