Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Thelmaaaa........It's Normaaaaaaa"

"Thelma!!!, it's Norma!!!

At the very least once or twice a month, sometimes all in the same day. I will get a phone call from a very dear OLD lady...."Ya, Theeeellllmmmaaa it's Norrrrmmmaaaa....." Before I can get a word in edge wise, she's off and talking at the speed I wasn't aware a hundred year old woman could talk....

Well, I wait quietly while she talks and talks and talks..... One thing is for certain I was raised to be still when the elders talk. So I wait some more. Then I have an opening, oh oh!! Nope not yet she's still talking... then there it is my chance to be part of the conversation that Norma has having with my phone line. I politely state that Norma has the wrong the number..

Oh my goodness..wrong number??? how could that be this is the number she dialed where's Thelma? At this moment I wish for party lines, then maybe someone listening could help me out....

Poor Norma is now confused and at this point I think I might be too, I sure wish that Thelma had answered the phone because this is turning out, not so good..... I say "I am so sorry you have the wrong number, maybe try again"

Norma does try again and here we are, I am starting to worry that Norma's next call is 911 in search of Thelma and she is positive that I must have her.. I sure hope that her rotary phone dials slow so I have time to think of something.

I 'll try to interject, and I am apologizing that I am not Thelma and that Norma has the wrong number..

Well, once Norma understands that Thelma's number is something else. She is so over me. I am sad, all she wants is to go for a cup of coffee and a piece of pie with a friend.. she wants Thelma, you know I could be Thelma if she wanted. Hahaha. I could drive the Caprice classic with personalized license plates "Thelma". I could be 100 years old still driving, and still having something to talk about and to go for pie. I could be her...

I some how have this vision of aprons, ironing, canning, and a clothesline full. All while she is baking pie with fresh lard. Blue hairs, a with scarf, cat eye glasses and red lipstick.

One time Norma left Thelma a message on the machine and it was wonderful. Number one is, it proved to my family that they were real and I wasn't nuts. Number two I love her voice. Her voice that has travelled through life and seen the good, bad, hard times. The world has changed so much around her and you can hear in her voice. I only hope that her voice holds a good life that is filled with joy, celebrations and many proud moments that have taken her breath away..

One thing I'll bet, is that somewhere in Norma and Thelma's lives there have been a few blue chairs to pull up and chat awhile. To pass the time and have that piece of pie...

So here I am....I think of my dear friend I visit with most days, and I have to laugh. In allot of ways we are Norma and Thelma. I love that!! I can only hope that when we are 100, we can pull up a blue chair and smile. That we are able to continue this great journey with lots to talk about and to laugh. May all our tears be only ones of joy and happiness. Strength. May we always have something to talk about and a really good Margarita.

To my Norma it is hard to imagine having ever missed a visit, may we have many more, with nothing to talk about, other than what's for dinner.. Thank you for being my friend.

Just so you know I am definitely Thelma.....I drive.......................
