I decided what we needed was a silly little something that would make you smile.
Made you smile didn't I??????
They are silly, happy, crazy together all the time.....
I am so honored by the love they share and the willingness to let go..........
"Daddy is like me, Mommy....He's just bigger"
There is no doubt of the love that is shared for each other and the tenderness they hold for one another.... I am sometimes jealous...But nothing fills my heart more...
Often people will say their spouse is the love of a lifetime...I will agree with mine.
Even when he's like this.....but she is his love of a lifetime....I am okay with that.
It is the most amazing thing to watch.....like I said a camera never lies.......
Yesterday the yard man came....he was cheerful and all dolled up in his earthy attire....
He claimed that his visit tells us, that spring is here, or at least on the way...He came promising a green grass, and that the birds will sing. I kid you not, as he walked away I heard him whistling...
What the *&%$! I swear he was all but skipping as he working...ughghghghghhhh!!!!!!
Well what ever he did, I mean whatever I paid for, only brought drizzle....
Drizzle, pouring rain, and a wind chill...........a wind chill.........okay I re-read the contract, there is nothing about wind chill.....I think I'll demand wind chill discount next.....
Whistling....I mean really.....................
So to Dan My Yard Man......you need to figure out what state your in, cause I think you were a little early.
Waiting for spring.....-L.