Tuesday, March 1, 2011


ok well today...I soooo have got to share.....

Although in the scheme of things this is small, I am pretty excited to celebrate!
I received an email from the CK blog that I was featured with this layout! That totally rocks!

I was pretty excited to wake up this morning and find this to be true. As my loving family continued to eat breakfast, with little to no emotion. "That's great honey" and "Cool Mom" slurp of cereal milk and what is that?

I ask you how could they not know! I am very excited and honored to have this layout featured. It is one of my all time favorite photos.

Thank you so much for sharing. I think the one thing to note is that I tend to fly under the radar in the scrap world, considering there is so much amazing talent out there. You know how that is, I'm a little fish in a big pond. I am swimming with joy today what a great way to start my day.

Now if I haven't bragged shamelessly enough I have to add that just before I went into surgery in Jan. Creating Keepsakes Magazine contacted me and requested a different sweet layout to be published in June/July issue. Soon to be on your bookshelves in the early summer, yeah that's really me. I am going to be published in one of the favorite scrapbook magazines. Although I have been published before something about this one is extra special. I think one reason is because they found me and asked. Second reason is because it is of my sweet Jorgie who we lost oh to soon...I can't wait for you to see...

There I feel better I got that off my bouncy self, I figure this was a good place, no one is reading anyway. It was one of the first things I said to my hubby this morning " I am sooooo excited but I have no one to tell" So now I have told my blog buddy I think I'll call him "Buddy" ( original I know, what can I say)

So I say this Buddy I rocked it today!!!!Wooottt!!...~L