Sooooooooooooo, I carefully lifted everything off of it. Then I made my plan to lift it from a wrickey shelf high above my shoulders. I couldn't lift it!!!!! I never have let those words work with me before. They did. I couldn't lift it! So I walked away, feeling sad and defeated. This thing is dang heavy! I really couldn't lift it.....
My Man stopped and looked at me and says " Where is it?" I gave him my very best, my very biggest green eyed pout. Even as an old lady I still got it!!!! Quietly, I whisper "It's to heavy I couldn't lift it." My Man is quiet. His laughter came from somewhere unknown to me and he filled the store with his very bold chuckle.... " I was just kidding" "I'll carry it for you sweetheart"
Well now, that did it, I will carry it, just help me get it down. He did and I wouldn't let him carry it thru the store. He simply followed me saying over and over, "Let me have it...."
Ever so noooooooo. Once we made it to the car with all our treasures, he sheepishly looks me as he is trying to handle it into the vehicle. "Dang this is really heavy"
So here's the deal, I have a man who sees what I see....I love his vision and he knows what I love. We love to shop together with only a couple clothes shopping ( unless there's no budget).....I can't handle Cabelas. ( A sporting goods store on steroids...)
He is fantastic and absolutely fun to shop with. But the poor guy can't always say no. I feel bad about this, sort of.
I must say he finds some of the most fantastic things and has a vision. I can remember when we created a space for me. He asked what I wanted, anything, at first I thought all these great new cupboards and counter tops. When we began looking and designing, he had another thought. He always asked," are you sure?" Then he arrived with a few photos on a cellphone. He had been shopping, asked me to look at the photos and there it was everything I could have ever dreamed of for my studio. I couldn't believe it! I told him how much I loved it all and he simply smiled and said, good we picking it up on Saturday. I bought it already. That's my man.
Happy Birthday My Man, I Love you ton and gobbs............