Is a very, very lazy little dog.....
He loves to snuggle and sleep....
I am pretty sure he knows he's adorable and loves his photo taken....
What a dog.....
So we lost one of our Golden's last summer, we are still lost without her and miss her everyday.
People keep asking are you, when are you, you should, I know of this dog....Well gosh I still got 2 dogs- well, one and a 1/2. It's kind of empty without her, Toby our big guy is lonely I see that.
But I can't be the one who saves them all....I wish I could.
God, gave us this heart for creatures big and small. I am sad.
Over the weekend we attended a favorite flea market. It was rockin' and dirty and busy. Treasures to share another day. It is a junk mans, farmer mans kind of market.
One year my hubby came home with a box of bunnies. Why a box of them? I couldn't decide on a color for you honey!! Oh please, then he adds besides I couldn't leave them all behind.
One year there were little chicks, thankfully he didn't return with them just an awesome crock!!
This year on the 3rd day a guy came with puppies..ughhhhhh...His pure breed lab meet the mix lab down the road...8 puppies later He still had 3- 1 black 2 yellow and 2 were females....
My family was heart broken that I just couldn't do it. A much I would have loved a little sweetie
and how much she would have loved us. I couldn't do it. Today I feel so bad and I feel awful that my daughter shed the tears. I hope she understands that mommy just isn't ready, to let another one in my heart.
Besides the whole puppy phase's been 6 years since we had to do the puppy thing. After Toby I am a little afraid of the puppy phase. He chewed everything!!! The siding the sidewalk, the deck. He even chewed the wheel well things on hubby's truck. Finally we just gave up on buying dog chews and gave him a tire and a rock. He liked the rock, go figure. It's like having a baby all over again and I am getting a little old for those things....
A puppy can't be in the moment of cute. A puppy has to be a plan....
I am sure there's a reason God creatures, all baby creatures are adorable...simply so that our hearts would melt and love them all....But oh the puppy breath, the puppy cry and the paws of love. Those big sad eyes....They simply say love me.....
I am looking forward to the puppy plan...someday just not today...I wonder who it will be?