You'll never guess what I used??? okay maybe you will.....It is the tiny tiny tiny photo strips that sometimes come in a print order, when you pick them up.....I cut them into strips and went to work from there......I loved it!!!
Just goes to show that you can do anything with ANYTHING!! hahahaha
So often she gets tired of the photos I am always wanting to take...She gets very camera shy for the most part. So to get a time that she is willing to ham it up for the camera I am so taking advantage of that moment.
I love the delete feature in our digital cameras, but I too often have a hard time deleting even the duds. I sometimes have been known to create with an unfornatunte photo. Eyes closed, hair in the way and a blur that I have to carefully explain just what the photo was. In many cases it isn't about the quality of the photo, regardless of the fantastic camera is about the moment. Overall delete IS good and has truly saved me a ton of $$$$$$!
I only know that every moment counts and if it means I must take a million little pics to get the one I love, well that tells me not to ever remove the camera from my paws.
I remember the days of line up, stand up straight ( I had to stand in back, yeah the tAll girl), clean the dirt off your face, smile...."Stop touching your sister" Oh wait I need the flash...
Everything was posed. We still today tend to fall into that and I love some of those photos.
However, we just got our DD class picture from is pretty obvious to me the person taking the photo doesn't know how to use the digital features available. If so, Can You say DELETE. I'd love to delete a couple of boys, maybe just zip a zipper or tie a shoe, comb hair, get them to look at the camera and smile. Oh well in a way this is what it makes the photo worth talking about!!hahahaha nothing can save this one...
The picture is sadly priceless.
In case your wondering I am pretty sure the photo will make in her books. It is just to bad not every photo can be photo shopped. Wishful thinking....