Thursday, July 23, 2009

yard jammies.....

Yard Jammies........................
May you never grow too old to be in the front yard in your jammies for photos with mom.....

There are just some days we need to stay in our jammies and be able to roll around in the front would be that day....

The sun is shining and the weather is is a true summer sweets is at a friends house swimming...finally they can be in their swim wear and not freeze to death before they even touch the water..

I am thinking that there just might be a market for yard jammies.... In today's world all the girls seem to wear their jammies everywhere. Well I am driven crazy by this, my mom would have had me for this. Especially if I hadn't ironed them!!!

So here's the deal I want to create a market just for the 30-50 year old range that says I can wear my jammies outside too. They would be fantastic, adorable and within the highest quality and fashion. They would not look as if you sleep the last ten hours in them and just rolled out to run into the yard in our jammies. They would not be Tye dye or in bad coordination. They would be cut with a complimentary style and the beginning of your bottom will not show if you choose to bend over and garden a little..

We could have yard jammies, grocery store jammies, mall jammies, got to get the gas jammies, got to pick up the kids jammies, and most importantly drive thru jammies.

There would be only a few requirements of these very high end jammies...hehehe...
1. They must match
2. You couldn't have slept in them...they must be fresh.
3. They must fit perfectly for you. Not to big not to small.
4. They will require a bra
5. They can not be Tye dye
6. You have to brush your hair to wear them.
7. They have to make you happy...

I want to be a jammie girl....

note:(a few of you may raise your eyebrows, and think this is already done....well, like anything "new" and improved you really will have to try these out they will be made with magic thread...thread that will make every butt look " jammies hott"...this will not be the typical jammie butt....just saying, ok that's the disclaimer)

The layout is created on black cardstock all the edges tattered and then painted with "sky" blue paint. Then I went stitch crazy. Machine has gotten so much work lately I am going to have to start paying it overtime.