It has been a year today..that heaven called your name and you followed. I believe that you have become earths most sacred angel..I believe you have become our guardian angel, just as you were on earth. I believe that although you are gone, your presence is everywhere.
Your material life has left us only missing you more. Sometimes we will tell people close to us that we couldn't go on with out them. It seems that many days, it is true about you. We are kind of, in the same spot we were a year ago. So much has changed and happened, but none of it really seems to matter. It is only part of lifes motions.
Your heart was pure, honest, and so giving....that your absence overwhelms us many days. I only can hope that you will be my daughters guardian angel for her life ahead of her. If I know you are watching over her I will always be at peace. She will then follow the path of strength, joy and love.
As I plant and pick out my flowers for spring I am reminded that this earth can never have enough flowers...each season Gramma planted soooo many flowers that often times people would think it was too many. Her only response would be "Did you see how beautiful they all are?" Many times we fail to "see" that true beauty of this life. She seen it so often and all we did was move along with her.
Gramma had seen, that it was to give, to this earth and life we were in. Not to take. May we all be more giving....Plant this earth with goodness and hope. Hope for a better day each morning we are allowed to rise and be a part of this earth.
We love and miss you everyday, of our lives and we will continue to miss you in all of the days to come. Love to you Gramma....
We are never so lost our angels cannot find us.
-Stephanie Powers
today I am blue.....~l