Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a cup of coffee

Good Morning world....
It is a cup of hot coffee, vanilla creamer and a ton of big, fluffy flakes!!! Of snow!!
I am thinking really?  I am beginning to think this weather world is turned upside down..
I am not one for Hot weather...but ultimately I'd love to win the weather lottery and have
the season jump into bloom.  Welcome to this spring! girl...thank you to beautiful Prima Flowers, they made these flowers with this photo in mind I am just plain certain of it.

I am getting excited for next week I have a 12 week follow appointment at the neurosurgery.  As many of you know I had a surgery in January to remove a tumor from my spinal cord.  I am doing well and each day there is an improvement, it still has a long way to go. Most days we forget about it and I love that!  I believe it is a good sign!! Once in awhile I am reminded of it, by doing something to BIG.  That is evident the last couple of days.  I am still trying to adjust to not having a section of spine with any support, I think sometimes it's more about mind over matter than anything.  People close to me that have seen the photos are amazed and think I am a medical miracle.  Some days I don't feel so lucky.  Especially every time I open the mailbox. It is overwhelming and defeating at times. I will continue to be grateful and believe that All the doctors that were present during the surgery have the confidence I will move forward healthy.

Mostly I am excited for next week, season's first flea market begins and it is fabulous!!  It is not for the faint of heart, it is down and dirty!  Each year the weather is demanding and unpredictable.  We have attended this one in snow, sleet, wind, rain, dust storm, and heat.  We have also been blessed with some of the first beautiful days.  We will only wait to be surprised. With this swap meet 95% is outdoors and mostly a man's swap.  It began as a farm, antique type of swap meet.  Then the women have gotten involved and added a few other goods.  I almost always find a delight, usually it is something big and dirty.  Oh I can't wait!!  Then it's about the food... that is oh so good and bad for you...delicious delights!!

More than anything else, we love the time we spend together just hanging out and exploring junk!!
It's a good life on this day..

be creative everyday~L