Greetings from the dog. This lazy, full spirited dog could remind us of a thing or two.
1. Never miss a meal
2. Enjoy that meal with an open and grateful heart.
3. Always play, run with joy and release.
4. Greet each person with a hug.
5. Greet them as if you have miss them forever. (Even if it was just a second ago.)
6. Smile with all your heart. Be inside out.
7. Be content with who you are and where you are.
8. Know it's ok to wail your tail, regardless of the size.
9. Give and you will receive more.
10. You are enough, just as you are.
This dog never quit. His legs and have walked a path I will not know. But wherever he has been I am so grateful he has found me. I can only hope and believe that who ever loved him first, knows in their heart, that he is safe and he is so very much loved.
Regardless of the circumstances he came from, I am grateful to them for making choices that brought him to me.
Life chooses for you, if your lucky, you are at times in the right place to feel it choose. You follow the path and it will be good.
This year has been one of the hardest yet, and I know as I climb back up that I begin each day all over again. This life it is ..............................what it is .................but then comes Charlie
and you remember, it is life. One that continues to change and grow.
So today we wish you a pant, a pet, and a pounce. May your weekend be filled with goodness, and maybe a lick or two.