Monday, March 11, 2013


I love how sometimes the less the color the more I see.

I have always been a quiet scrapper.  One that finds the tiniest detail and creates with it.  I am not flashing and dancing in the spotlight.  You may not even know my name or where I come from.  I can say that I am a nontraditional scrapper. I am a family and life artist.  I choose to capture the emotions and put them to paper, texture, and glue. My wish is that, the moment comes alive on the page forever.  Leaving a legacy.

I love how I can never get enough.  It is always calling me.

I choose to let the photo dance into and then hold your heart. 
It is very rare that when I finish a layout I don't love it. 
A feeling that I could admire it forever.  Is that bad?  I don't know. 
I do know that, is my passion.

I grew up in a very creative family, so you had to find your niche.  I have dabbled in it all.

Although I have always had a scrapbook in some form, even as a child.
For the past 15 years I keep coming back to this. It has evolved and grown with my life.  That is art.
I think it is, because it is ever changing and the hobby has been able to keep up with me.  Retailers often haven't.  I tend to want things they haven't heard of yet.  So I wait, or I create from other sources.

With anything in art, patience is often the heart to the design.

patience...passion...promise to ones art..

whatever your niche is don't let others change your style...remember you are your creative self!!

So I say, "Play Ball!
calvinblog = IIII IIII III
calvinscrap = IIII IIII IIII IIII
calvinbonus ( weekly) = IIII IIII
calvinbonus (one time) = IIII IIII III
scattergories= III

tallied march 11th....