Remember moments like this....this was hands down our favorite thing to do...Nothing felt more complete then to end a day or take a few moments, just to feel her breathe....
She is our one, and we are so blessed. I am very proud of the young lady she is growing into.
We always wanted a bundle of girls. She came to us against all odds and we are filled with gratitude. One will be enough, she lights our world and fills it full every single day.
Today I think I'll celebrate, it's Friday....and I have an exclusive driver to take me a graduation of my little girls, at school....
Some may say, okay? For me this is huge...first- I never, never get to go to school events during the day. Second, I am getting out of the house. Third, I AM GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE....
This ROCKS!!!!!
We live in the frozen tundra....I woke to -13 and one hour later it became -16. How can that be? One would think with the sun rising it would warm our earth. Don't answer this cause I know, there's an entire weather answer to it all. But burrrrrrrrrr.................
So your thinking okay this post is random..but actually it all makes sense.
Gratitude---three things I am grateful for today.
1. My Daughter--she is my heart and soul.
2. My Mom--she is always here to support me and these days drive me.
3. My Weather--it lets you know your alive, nothing is better than to "feel" the air.
Be mindful of the three things you are grateful for and embrace them with gratitude and love.