On the way to our daughters game and we found this cloud along the edge of the road. Little did we know at the time that what followed this cloud were many more. In twenty short minutes we had sirens going off and tornado warnings all around us.
Wouldn't you know that we played the game and where we were no weather came to us. It only happened all around.
It is kinda scary and strange that we don't react to the sirens like in the old days. We as a world have to much going on to worry about weather. I am kind of scratching my head at this event.
My little sweets decided to play softball this year, and I am amazed...she's really pretty good.
I am impressed she loves it and could play all day, every day. We tried t-ball a few years ago. She was terrified of the ball and anything that had to do with the ball, that makes playing BALL kind of hard. This year something just changed, I realize it is just the start but I have really enjoyed watching her learn and grow. I have even been able to watch and control that competitive nature that I have which often over takes me. Play on and enjoy. I love that there are a few things to keep her in touch with her friends, make new friends and stay active.